Don't Worry, We're Still Alive!
Sorry to keep you waiting!
~ Steve ~
Hey everyone, we're so sorry it's been so long! To say that we've been busy is one way of putting it. This won't be a long post, just a slight update on how we are and why we haven't posted much in the last little while! I'll detail some posts that we want to do in the upcoming weeks.
The main reason that we've been AWOL for so long is honestly because of school! We've been swamped, particularly the last few weeks, with many readings, a few assignments, and then more readings so the last thing that we've really wanted to do was spend MORE time on the computer. Additionally, when we do have free time, we've generally just been relaxing, watching a few shows (House of the Dragon is quite good so far, Grand Tour has been a proper British program to enjoy, and for anyone out there with my sense of humour, PLEASE watch Aunty Donna's Fun House on Netflix, it's amazing), hanging with friends, and of course, hiking! And we have many stories that we want to tell, so we'll try to get to that in time.
We have some exciting news about some future travels as well, and a few fun events coming up that we want to talk about. Firstly, Canadian Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and while Anna and I don't celebrate the actual holiday itself, we love using it as an excuse to have friends over for what we (me) call "Steves-giving" (there's no school or work on the Monday, so what excuse do they have to say no ;) perfect strategy of course). But, since no one here celebrates the holiday nor knows what Steves-giving is, it's the perfect time to introduce this joyous occasion. So, we'll be celebrating that sometime around October 7th or 8th!
Right after that dinner, we and four other friends are off to Oslo for a few days starting on the 9th! We haven't got a right plan in place just yet for what we're going to do and see--though I've heard there's a zipline and there's no way I'm going to miss that--but one of our friends that is coming along just recently got back from Oslo with her parents, so she'll be the tour guide for some of the trip. We'll be taking a short flight there, then take the train back through the snow and mountains! It's one of the most beautiful train rides in Europe, so we wouldn't want to miss that. Due to prices, we're taking a later train back so while the sun might be setting once we're only halfway through, we're hoping for some good views, nonetheless.
A couple weeks later, we have a few visitors coming to visit for a few weeks, so we'll be putting the IKEA couch to good use thankfully! It'll be interesting to have 3-4 people in this small apartment but we're sure to make it all work nicely.
Then the big event will be Anna and I's buddy trip to the UK! We have a friend from UVic who's studying at Med school near Manchester, giving us the perfect excuse to do a bit more traveling. We'll be staying around Manchester for a few nights, then we're off to Scotland! We'll hang around Edinburgh for a few nights before flying back into Bergen to worry about our last exams. Some of you might remember that Scotland was our original destination for exchange. When we had to change that, a vow was made to head to the land of Freedom, thus this trip! I'm super excited to just sit in English and Scottish pubs and just take in the environment.
That's all the events and trips we have planned at the current moment. I know there are rumblings of a possible trip to Denmark or Sweden, and we may have something planned for December, but we'll save those updates for another day.
In the next couple weeks, we have plans to put out a couple more blog posts, hopefully sooner than later. We still haven't touched on our Trolltunga trip (which was phenomenal), or our daily happenings in the last 4 weeks, so we'll try to get those rolling out soon! If you've got a preference on what you'd like to see first, or if you want any other updates, please leave us a comment to let us know! While this blog is great for us to publish some memories, we want to keep all of you informed on the adventures you're interested in! So let us know :)
With that all said, it's time for me to return to my assignment. I've got another couple pages to write before Monday, plus some heavy Norwegian practice to do, so I should stop delaying and get straight on that. Until next time, cheers!
The Preet, Anna, and Steve combo has been the most sought after crossover since peanut butter and jelly. Im excited to hear the stories!